Pearland Track Xpress | Family, Friends, And Track! Meet,News Final Notice: Last day team will use WeChat for communications

Final Notice: Last day team will use WeChat for communications

Hello Parents!

Today is the last day the team will use WeChat for our mobile communications. If you have not done the following, please do so immediately, otherwise you will not receive any communications from the team as it will all be routed through TeamSnap.

–Download TeamSnap app
–Accept invitation to join Pearland Track Xpress group
–Accept invitation to join PTX Parents group.

If you have paid for your athlete(s) registration, but haven’t received invitations to join these groups, contact Nicey immediately.

If you have a spouse, significant other, or athlete (who has their own email address) who needs to have their own profile on TeamSnap, contact Nicey immediately.

If you have downloaded TeamSnap, you can begin sending any questions, comments, or concerns via TeamSnap today.

Things to Know

Chat forum – TeamChat is the chat system provided by TeamSnap. Basic messages will go in there.
Private messaging – TeamSnap does not have a private messaging system, but you can still contact people directly via their email messaging system.
Discussion Post – All important team communications will be posted there and sent via email. People will be able to refer back to the team communications, ask follow-up questions without the responses getting lost in the chat forum.
TeamSnap Live! – This allows you to see all recent messages from TeamChat, Posts, and alerts, in one view.

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