
The primary mission for Pearland Track Xpress is to help prepare young athletes for AAU track competition.

As a group, the founding parents have adopted a set of core values to guide the attitude and actions expected of all team members (athletes, parents, coaches, officers) concerning PTX business; practice, competition, community service, etc.:

  • Integrity – complete honesty and truthfulness in every aspect of sport and life
  • Excellence – sincere efforts toward top quality performance in every aspect of sport and life
  • Respect – show proper consideration for the time, opinions, and concerns of others

In order to move toward our vision, PTX has adopted a mission statement to provide direction for our daily activities:

Focus on nurturing young athletes, utilizing proven training techniques to encourage the pursuit of excellence on and off the track; providing encouragement, correction, and advice with a consistent vigor to all athletes; being always mindful of the example we set for all who observe.